Handling the Cubicle Next Door..

It’s always a good idea to try and be “neighborly” in the cubicle. But sometimes there are annoyances. And sometimes, you may be the guilty one.. such as this instance:

“Don’t you hate when someone yells at you over the cubicle wall to stop clicking your pen; so you stop, but then realize that you have to click it once more so that you can use it?”

How to be Happier in the Cubicle – TIP #2

One way to make even a day in the cubicle seem better is to focus on your health and happiness. If you feel your best the day definitely goes by a little easier. This means take control of your life. I believe starting small is the key. Here are some examples of ways to begin the new you.

1. Schedule some time to exercise. This can be as simple as taking a walk on your lunch hour 2 times per week, or finally stop and check out that gym membership you have been considering. There is something motivational about being around other people who are working out and feeling good about themselves as well.

2. Add 1 fruit or vegetable to each meal. Make a time to go shopping for some fresh food. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic
diseases, including stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers.

3. Drink more water. Adequate water intake prevents dehydration, cleans out the body, and promotes healing processes. Substituting water for alcohol can also help control weight. Follow the steps below to make sure you’re getting enough of this most basic necessity. Each day I like to fill a large container with water, limes and lemons. I make a goal to drink all the water by the time the work day is over.

Feeling healthy can happen faster than you think. These are simple steps you can take to make sure you are in control of your own health. The cubicle is not always easy and the time has a tendency to drag. If you take some time to focus on yourself and your goals outside of the cubicle, then you will be a better you.

How To Be Happier In The Cubicle Tip #1 — Make a Long-Term Goal for Success

There is time, and then there is “cubicle time”. These hours on the clock do not move like regular hours. The hands on the clock creep and crawl forward on hands and knees. And just when you think they couldn’t possibly drag any slower, you’ll see the big hand hurl backwards as it laughs in your face. I know. I have seen it happen. But, there are ways to make your work day go by quicker and easier. I want to talk about ways to stop cubicle clock-watching.

First,  the day will go by quicker if you make a long-term goal for yourself. Stop and think about the reasons you show up to your job each day. Of course, the first reason is money.  But many of you are just going through the motions because that job is there and it’s easy. But how easy is it to watch hour after hour of your life tick by? Life is short and we all have dreams. So,  if you take time to make a plan to get yourself into a job that makes you happy, it will happen. And in the meantime, you will be happier at the position you are in because you have a purpose. Instead of your cubicle being the cell that surrounds your circumstance, it can be part of your plan. And THAT will make it a better day.

Your plan should begin with asking yourself, “who am I and what are my strengths?”.  I’m sure that you used to have an answer to the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?”. Well now is the time to put that answer in motion.  Decide what you want to do and make it happen. How long will it take? Do you need to go back to school? How much money do you need to save? There may be a possibility that the job you are in can help with those issues. Maybe you need a certain amount of money to begin a new internet-based business. Maybe you need to just pay rent while you go back to school.  You can plan a certain amount of time each night to making that happen as you save the money you need. The options are endless but only if you put your plan into action. And once you do, you will see that the “cubicle hours” seem to move a little quicker, because they are working for you and your dreams.

I will end with one of the many Henry Ford quotes that I love.

“Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of
success. ” — Henry Ford


These are some of my feelings about life in the cubicle. Maybe some of you share my feelings. Maybe some of you think I am just being negative. Well, we all need to find ways to make it to “jeans day” Friday.